

Since ancient times, bracelets have been worn by both men and women. Their popularity fluctuated with changes in fashion, but today they remain one of the most versatile jewellery items. The earliest example was discovered in a burial mound of remains in Siberia; which was radiocarbon dated to 40,000 BC. Bracelets were worn by the Egyptians, Romans, and Greeks, as well as the Anglo-Saxons. Ancient Egyptian tombs suggest bracelets decorated with coloured stones have been worn for over 2000 years. Their popularity waned during the Medieval and Renaissance periods, due to the fashion for long sleeves among both men and women, but had a resurgence in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, as shorter sleeves once again became stylish.

From this period, bracelets have been worn in a variety of styles. Their popularity has perhaps never been greater than today, when jewellery can be worn in many ways. Bracelets can be layered, mixing different materials and time periods. They can be worn casually or to the most formal of occasions.

Jewellery unearthed during archaeological excavations have inspired jewellers and influenced fashions throughout the ages, as our collection shows. Bentley & Skinner are delighted to offer a variety of bracelets, including bangles, link bracelets, tennis bracelets, charm bracelets, and cuff bracelets. Our bracelets encompass a range of time periods, from Georgian to contemporary. Bentley & Skinner’s antique bracelets include statement-making Victorian bangles; delicate Art Nouveau style chain bracelets; and sparkling Art Deco diamond bracelets.

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Since ancient times, bracelets have been worn by both men and women. Their popularity fluctuated with changes in fashion, but today they remain one of the most versatile jewellery items. The earliest example was discovered in a burial mound of remains in Siberia; which was radiocarbon dated to 40,000 BC. Bracelets were ... Read more

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