

Silver has been a highly prized material for jewellery, tableware, and objects de vertu since the 18th century. It’s lustre, malleability, and strength, not to mention antibacterial properties, promoted its use for utensils and tableware, and its brightness gives life to candlelight rooms today as it did centuries ago.

English silver has been held in high esteem for centuries. The strict quality of English silver has been carefully monitored by the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths and Silversmiths since the 14th century when King Edward I decreed that gold and silver must be of a defined standard. Silver objects today, both antique and modern, are revered for their high shine and their decorative and functional aspects.

The high lustre and shine of polished silver is timelessly beautiful, and due to the metal’s malleability, can be produced as various decorative objects and jewellery. From the earliest of times, silver has been celebrated for its antimicrobial property, which has led to its popularity in its use in tableware. Because of the rigorous standards of the British hallmarking system, all silver items in the collection of Bentley & Skinner are dated precisely and, in many cases, provide a record of the craftsman who created the piece.

Bentley & Skinner are pleased to stock an array of silver objects, ranging from fine 18th century pieces to contemporary designs. Silver items in the collection of Bentley & Skinner include candlesticks, salvers, tea sets, full-service dinnerware, and decorative objects in a variety of styles.

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Silver has been a highly prized material for jewellery, tableware, and objects de vertu since the 18th century. It’s lustre, malleability, and strength, not to mention ... Read more

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